Are you worried about a potential sexually transmitted disease (STD)? If you are sexually active with a partner who has had multiple sexual partners, there’s a chance for the spread of an STD. No one is immune.
If you think you’re experiencing symptoms of a possible STD, it’s vital to your health to get tested right away.
STDS: What Are They?
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spread through sex or sexual activity by a person infected with an STD. They can pass from one individual to another by blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily fluids. Some common STDs include:
Genital herpes
Hepatitis B
Even with protection, you can’t fully prevent the possibility of contracting an STD. Your risk is greater if you:
Have sex with someone who has had multiple partners
Have more than one sex partner
Share needles when injecting intravenous drugs
What Are the Symptoms?
STDs sometimes come with signs, and sometimes they are not easily noticeable. If you are experiencing any of the following STD symptoms, get tested to be sure:
Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
Unusual vaginal bleeding
Pain during sex
Painful or burning urination
Discharge from the penis
Sore, swollen lymph nodes
Lower abdominal pain
Get Tested Right Away
Timing is of the essence when it comes to knowing if you have an STD, as receiving treatment is important to prevent further infection.
At Positive Options, our first priority is your health and well-being. That’s why we can provide referrals for many services or resources we cannot provide, including STD testing. We can connect you to a local medical provider so you can get the answers you need about your sexual health.
Contact us today to learn more about our free, confidential care and referrals. Peace comes with knowing where your health stands.