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We offer valuable information on how to get yourself ready for the birth of your child and how you can be a great parent. We are always happy to help you grow as a parent and prepare to take care of your child. We're excited to offer BrightCourse, a video-streaming service, to our clients to help them learn about topics such as prenatal care, parenting, relationships, life skills, and more.
No matter who you are, Mom or Dad, Single or in a relationship, young or old, Positive Options is here to provide support through our Brightcourse prenatal and parenting program. Parenting is full of unknown and firsts, and babies do not come with instructions. We are here to help you gain knowledge and skills to prepare you for parenthood. In addition to great information, you can earn point to use in our baby store at each center.
Call us to learn more about our classes.
Some sample titles of classes offered:
Pregnancy/Birth classes: first trimester, emotions of pregnancy, Infant hygiene, breast-feeding, postpartum depression etc.
First year: car seat safety, newborn sickness, crying, sleep, nutrition, baby language etc.
Toddler: milestones, potty training, siblings, whining, bedtime etc.
Parenting: parenting without shame, creating honesty, autism, development, singel parenting, self-confidence, etc.
Coparenting: (communications, dating and remarriage, holidays, risks after divorce etc.
Love Lessons: Porn, pregnancy is not a disease, STI's, ptotect yourself etc.
Positive Partnerships: (healthy boundries, marriage choice, singel parenting, etc.
Fatherhood lessons: (being a father, being a leader, consistency, respect for mothers etc.

Prenatal &
Parenting classes
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